Architecture Aesthetics in Between Borrow and Memory Imprint – Conferinta (DAE-2013)
Applied Study on Le Corbusier’s Journey to the East Trails
2nd World Conference on Design, Arts and Education (DAE-2013)
author: Ana Maria Crisan, Delia Alexandra Prisecaru
University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”
May 9, 2013 – May 11, 2013
In a contemporary era dominated by visual culture, the term of architectural perception / creation hides a diversity of processes, bearing various depths. Justifying the architectural aesthetics through the global visual culture, Le Corbusier’s travel notes from Journey to the East – Voyage d’Orient are considered and re-analysed as a sum of forming events, interpreted as a transparent expression of the assimilation process. The purpose consists in exposing the depths of artistic creation, in revealing the process, and in distinguishing between visual loans and memory substance. The intrigue separates the innocent observer from the professional one by tracing the differences between the figurative and the substantial character of the representation. The typological valences are identified as the starting points in the perceptive process, as tools for object recognition, and as index criteria. From this perspective, the observed architecture objects are reanalysed along the Italian youth trail, through the cognitive and the aesthetic process, based on visual notes stated in Le Corbusier’s voyage journals. By underlining the relevance of constructed space experimentation, we uncover the identity of the architectural object as an observed, seen, assimilated as visual borrow or memorized imagined and recreated. The experimental approach of the architectural objects through the eyes of Le Corbusier convenes into a practical lesson of imaginative evolution and creative adaptation.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal (Elsevier)(ISSN: 18770428) and will be indexed Science Direct, Scopus andThomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).