[CCM] DANUBIUS RI. research center

[modul1] laboratoare cercetare murighiol.


CCM – Murighiol Research Center

[MODULE 1] Murighiol Research Laboratories

CCM – The Murighiol Research Laboratories (module1 – DANUBIUS-RI) is configured as a small scale research base, with a single building comprising an underground floor and a first floor, with a foot print of 647, 85 sq. m. The total built area is 913, 95 sqm.

The construction aims at becoming a manifest for the reinterpretation of the local traditional architectural values, emphasizing on the minimal insertion in the site, resting on a lake-oriented linear development and, simultaneously, on the eloquence of the local construction materials. Considering the location of the building, in the area of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation, The Danube Delta biosphere reservation Regulations and The Danube Delta biosphere reservation urbanism framework Regulations were prioritized, thus amplifying the ecological component. Consequently, the building counts on using alternative energy resources usage: solar energy and geothermal energy. The research component was expanded to the construction itself (assimilated to an experimental mechanism), an experiment in terms of employing the usage of photovoltaic panels and of the geoexchange system via the heating pumps, therefore aiming at the energetic self-sufficiency of the building. Volumetrically, the projected building brings up-to-date a typical model of the area. The proposed volume aims at reinterpreting in a contemporary manner the locally specific traditional elements, not only in terms of the geometrical conformity of the construction, but also with respect to the specific construction materials that will be used. The ecological component of the project is a resultant of employing the usage of local construction materials, of finishes with a high biodegradable coefficient (in terms of decomposition into the environment), on the one hand, and of reducing/limiting the transportation flow required by the building process, on the other hand. The proposed construction will make use of two distinct sources of alternative energy. The first of them, the telluric one, will use the heating pumps geothermal system to regulate the air-conditioning (the cooling and the heating) of the interiors.  Consecutively, the solar energy captation system, comprising photovoltaic cell panels, was placed on the South-East frontage (local South-West), to ensure an optimal energetic performance. The system was integrated within the general volumetric model as a portico, thus reinterpreting the ancient Danubian, naturally ventilated, front-porches (stoops). The photovoltaic system was designed as a ventilation system with ongrid functioning, integrating semi-transparent (poly)crystalline cells panels into external the South side of the portico. In addition, the integrated photovoltaic system will regulate the heating input and will secure the solar radiation protection for the entire building.

official website: http://www.danubius-ri.eu/


architects: crisan architecture; project leader: ana maria crisan; project manager: alexandru crisan; architectural team: ana maria crisan, alexandru crisan, ioana turcanu; cost estimator: ca&e srl; engineers structure: vp proiectare srl; engineers mep: noa proiect srl, imah srl; consultant structure: mc design srl; consultant mep: gem srl; graphics: crisan architecture; computer imagery&models: panoptikon / www.thepanoptikon.com

2013-2015 / built / incdsb, men office, public, research